Two meetings were convened in 2009, the first was a HARG general and committee meeting held at the Healthcare Commission, Finsbury Tower, London on 13 March 2009. The agenda and minutes can be downloaded here:

HARG Committee Meeting minutes_13 March 2009

HARG_General Meeting agenda_13 March 2009

HARG_General Meeting minutes_13 March 2009


The second meeting of that year was held at Thackray Museum, Leeds on 3rd July 2009. Copies of the committee and general meeting minutes can be found below:

HARG_General Meeting minutes_3 July 2009

HARG_Committee Meeting minutes_3 July 2009


In additional to the meetings that year, HARG members also participated in the British Records Association annual conference held at the Wellcome Collection on 8 December 2009. The programme can be viewed here.