The group met twice in 2007 with meetings held in London and Wakefield. The first meeting of the year was held at the Wellcome Institute, London on 13 June. The committee and general minutes can be viewed here:

HARG General Meeting Minutes_13_June_2007

HARG Committee Meeting Minutes_13_June_2007

The next meeting held by the group was in the West Yorkshire Archives HQ, Wakefield on 28 September 2007. The agenda for the committee meeting and minutes from the general meeting can be viewed here:

HARG Agenda Committee Meeting_28_Sept_2007

HARG General Meeting Minutes_28_September_2007

Two HARG committee teleconferences were also convened in 2007. The minutes from the conferences can be viewed here:

HARG Teleconference Minutes_24_Apr_2007

HARG Teleconference Minutes_6_Nov_2007