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These documents have been provided by HARG members for non-profit / public sector purposes only. Public sector / non-profit organisations may use these documents but should provide a credit to the creating organisation. Any other proposed use of the documents should be referred to the creating organisation for approval. The information provided is the property of the creating organisation and subject to Intellectual Property and Database Rights. Any commercial application or use of this information for profit may be subject to the provisions of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005, which may involve the issue of a licence and a fee. If you wish to re-use the information provided for commercial purposes for any reason you must contact the Health Archives Group who will pass on your query to the creating organisation.
Booster Shot Taking the Sting Out of Records Management in the NHS, Karen Waite, Corporate Records Manager NHS Cornwall IT Services (CITS): presentation on issues affecting records management within NHS in Cornwall, including discussion of DIRKS and implementing an EDRMS.
Disaster recovery - at the sharp end, Jonathan Evans, Archivist and Curator, Bart's Health NHS Trust, September 2006: Presentation on flooding and disaster planning at The Royal London Archives and Museum, following on from a flood at the Museum in June 2006.
FOI – Experience so far and current areas of interest, Alex Ganotis, Policy Manager, Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), May 2006: Presentation on the role of the ICO, particularly relating to health records.
Maximising access to historical medical records, Colin Gale and Katherine Webb, Archives, vol. xxxiii, No. 118, April 2008: Article regarding legislative change regarding the access of health records chiefly the impact and ramifications of the scrapping of the 100 Year Rule and implications of the Freedom of Information Act.
Medical Coding in Asylum Records in England and Wales: document providing a guide to the medical coding held within medical registers, found in every asylum from 1907.
‘Philosophical madness? Asylum records and gendered identities’, Dr Rachel Jones, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Dundee: presentation on philosophy in the archive records, focusing on the work of Michael Foucault and how it can be applied to a case study in an asylum record.
Small and Special by Dr Andrea Tanner: presentation about the the historical database for the admission records for Great Ormond Street Hospital. The original database was published on the 'Small and Special' website in 2007, but now can be found on an expanded database on the Historic Hospital Admission Records Project (HHARP)