Guidance on current records management policies in the NHS

Access to NHS records transferred to places of deposit (PDF document)

Guidance on access to NHS(E/W) records. This needs updating to take account of 20YR, and I would welcome comments, but we may wait until the GDPR/Brexit dust settles a little.


Places of Deposit (web-page/directory)

Our new directory of local places of deposit and the organisations (including NHS) which should be transferring to them.


Guidance on 20 year rule and records of local interest (web-page)

General information on 20 year rule, including lists of eligible transferred records 2015.


Record transfer report for local bodies (web-page)

Published returns form organisations which transfer records under Public Records Act, including NHS.


NHS Digital Organisational Data Service (web-page)

Tables of NHS organisations and facilities, including data back to 1996.


NHS Information Governance Toolkit (web-page/directory)

Toolkit draws together the legal rules and central guidance set out by Department of Health policy and presents them in in a single standard as a set of information governance requirements. The toolkit has now been replaced by the Data Security and Protection Toolkit  available on the NHS Digital website.