Example archive and records management policies

Copyright / Re-Use Statement

These documents have been provided by HARG members for non-profit / public sector purposes only. Public sector / non-profit organisations may use these documents but should provide a credit to the creating organisation. Any other proposed use of the documents should be referred to the creating organisation for approval. The information provided is the property of the creating organisation and subject to Intellectual Property and Database Rights. Any commercial application or use of this information for profit may be subject to the provisions of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005, which may involve the issue of a licence and a fee. If you wish to re-use the information provided for commercial purposes for any reason you must contact the Health Archives Group who will pass on your query to the creating organisation.


Archive collection policies

We currently only have one example archive policy online. If you are willing to share any of your archive policies please contact us. They can be relating to any area, including collection, appraisal, preservation, access, registration, FOI / DP, loans, taking photographs, searchroom regulations etc.


Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists rcog-collection-development-policy

Records management policies / retention schedules

Barts and the London NHS Trust records_retention_policy
Camden & Islington Mental Health & Social Care Trust access_to_care-records_policy
Camden & Islington Mental Health & Social Care Trust records_management_policy
NHS Greater Glasgow nhs_greater_glasgow_retention_schedule

Electronic Records Management

Barts and The London NHS Trust where_to_store_and_how_to_share_electronic_documents
Barts and The London NHS Trust how_to_manage_email
Barts and The London NHS Trust training_shared_drives
Camden & Islington Mental Health & Social Care Trust email_etiquette_guidance
Camden & Islington Mental Health & Social Care Trust internet_and_email_managers_guide
Camden & Islington Mental Health & Social Care Trust internet_and_email_users_guide
Camden & Islington Mental Health & Social Care Trust internet_and_email_policy

Records Centre

Nursing & Midwifery Council nmc_example_records_transfer_form
Nursing & Midwifery Council Records Transfer form completed example
Nursing & Midwifery Council transferring_records_for_off-site_storage
Barts and the London NHS Trust records_transfer_form

Types of records – guidance for staff

Barts and The London NHS Trust line_managers_staff_records
Barts and The London NHS Trust management_of_meeting_papers_and_minutes

General Records Management guidance

Barts and The London NHS Trust managing_records_in_your_office
Barts and The London NHS Trust office_moves_guidance
York Hospitals NHS Trust records_management_handbook

Information governance (general)

Barts and The London NHS Trust new_starters_information_governance_checklist
Barts and The London NHS Trust staff_leavers_information_governance_checklist