Scottish Records Association Conference 2016: Public healthcare in Scotland before the NHS.
Posted onThe full programme for this year’s Scottish Records Association Conference is now available to view online at:
Bookings will close on the 24th October but those wishing to book are advised to do so soon as space may be limited.
The conference will take place on Friday 4th November at the AK Bell Library in Perth and this year takes the theme: Public Healthcare in Scotland before the NHS.
On the day, a wide range of speakers will be joining us to discuss their experiences of using archival records to research aspects of the provision of healthcare in Scotland in the 19th and early centuries.
To find out more details, and to register to attend, please visit the conference website at:
Speakers include:
Fiona Bourne (Royal College of Nursing Archives);
Dr Deborah Brunton (Open University);
Sarah Bromage (University of Stirling);
Dr Jenny Cronin (Researcher);
Dr Iain Hutchison (University of Glasgow);
Ross McGregor (Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow );
Dr Lindsay Reid (Researcher, Scottish Midwifery History);
Emeritus Professor John Stewart (Glasgow Caledonian University);
Dr Patricia Whatley (University of Dundee)
The conference will be chaired by Professor Marguerite Dupree (Centre for the History of Medicine, University of Glasgow).
We anticipate that this event will be of interest to archivists and records managers as well as specialists in the field of medical records and those with an interest in Scottish social history more generally.
We very much hope that you will be able to join us for what promises to be an extremely interesting and enjoyable day.
If you have any queries, please contact Kirsteen Mulhern at: