– Tim Kendall (Caldicott Guardian for tmwk Limited, Chair of London Caldicott Guardian Regional Group)
“How patient adherence data helps patients and clinicians improve condition management”
– Chris Robson (CEO, Living With Limited)
– Professor Patricia Grocott (Professor of Nursing Technology and Innovation, King’s College London)
– Russell Joyce (Director and Principal Consultant, Heath Barrowcliff Consulting Ltd and Health Sciences Records and Archives (HSRAA) Conference Programme Organiser)
“We need to talk about data: trust, transparency and talking to the public”
– Dr Natalie Banner (Understanding Patient Data Lead, Wellcome Trust)
We need to talk about data-Part_1
We need to talk about data-Part_2
“Quantified lives: Putting digital data in context”
– Dr Rebecca Lynch (Assistant Professor in Medical Anthropology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
“Machine learning tailored to textile-embedded sensors”
– Dr Matthew J.W. Howard (Senior Lecturer in Informatics (Robotics), King’s College London)
Machine learning tailored to textile-embedded sensors_Part_1
Machine learning tailored to textile-embedded sensors_Part_2
Machine learning tailored to textile-embedded sensors_Part_3
Introduction to and data visualisation from the project RADAR-base team (RADAR-base & PHI Data Lab, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience)
[slides to be added soon]